Drawing on our expertise and research, we serve the diverse needs of the community, Nebraska and beyond. Our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
Our graduates go on to excel in a variety of graduate programs and professional schools. Even pursuing careers in business and as entrepreneurs. We take pride in seeing students succeed. When you succeed…so do we.
Drawing on our expertise and research, we serve the diverse needs of the community, Nebraska and beyond. Our faculty is dedicated to enabling students to use scientific approaches to discovery and understanding.
Click on the course to view a course description, instructor information and sample syllabus.
An in-depth discussion of the principles of modern immunology. Major topics of discussion will include: cellular components of the immune system; antibody structure, function and synthesis; function of cytokines and complement; MHC structure and function; and the immune system and disease. A competent background in cell biology and/or biochemistry and microbiology is strongly recommended. Offered online, every Fall and Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Joe Dolence 308-865-8749 or dolencejj@shushijia.net
This course is an overview of the basic concepts in evolutionary biology with a focus on pattern and process through the use of examples. Molecular and organismal data will be examined. Offered online, every Fall and Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Dawn Simon 308-865-8470 or simondm@shushijia.net and Dr. Jacob Cooper 308-865-8912 or cooperj2@shushijia.net
Life processes of plants with an emphasis on water relations and hormonal and stress physiology. Offered online, Fall of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Greg Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Through videotaped lectures, reading and writing assignments, and online discussions, students will develop an understanding of the origin and the evolution of plagues. We will illustrate the techniques humans have to defend against epidemics and will speculate about their role in shaping humanity and our futures. Offered online, Spring of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net
A study of plants in relation to their environment. Offered online, Spring of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Bryan Drew 308-865-8883 or drewbt@shushijia.net
This course is an introduction to many aspects of using Geographic Information Systems as a natural resources tool. The class introduces cartographic concepts, tools such as Global Positioning System tools, and natural resource databases at the state and federal levels. In addition to lectures and labs where the software and tools are used, students also have the opportunity to complete projects using GIS and data of their own choosing. The main objective of the class is to give students enough familiarity with GIS software, data resources, and project design to be able to effectively produce their own projects.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nate Eidem 308-865-8684 or eidemn@shushijia.net
Familiarizes students with the role of fire as a major ecosystem process in grasslands and its use as a management tool.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Jayne Jonas-Bratten 308-865-8224 or jonasj@shushijia.net
An introduction to the discipline of scientific illustration. Students will learn the fundamental principles of creating effective illustrations for the purpose of communicating science. A limited set of media types, both traditional and digital will be explored. The main focus will be on creating the best images for use in research, teaching, journal publications, presentations, and other applications. Copyright and other legal issues will also be discussed. A basic knowledge of biological concepts is useful; artistic ability not required. Offered online.
INSTRUCTOR: Rick Simonson simonsonrl@shushijia.net
Microbes are the most abundant and diverse organisms on Earth. Collectively, they play critical roles in biogeochemical cycling, human health, and food production. This course will explore the evolutionary and ecological processes that generate and maintain microbial diversity. Students will also be exposed to molecular and bioinformatic approaches that are used to study microorganisms in a variety of habitats, including freshwater, marine and terrestrial. Offered online, Fall of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gregory Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Bioethics is the study of ethical controversies in both biology and medicine. Science has progressed significantly in the last century and with this progress has come ethical questions. The intent of this course is to focus on a variety of issues that have arisen, including, but not limited to, assisted reproductive technologies, sex selection, cloning, and stem cell research to name a few. Offered online, every Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net and Dr. Joe Dolence 308-865-8749 or dolencejj@shushijia.net
This course will cover the principles of plant pathology, including the diagnosis, etiology, and control of plant diseases. Students will learn about the different types of plant pathogens, the mechanisms of disease development, and the methods used to manage plant diseases. Offered online, Spring of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gregory Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
HeLa cells are one of the oldest and most commonly used human cell line. Even though the utility of this cell line is vast and important, the history behind how the cells were isolated and used is a bioethical conundrum. Science, medicine, and technology have progressed significantly because of the use of HeLa cells and with this progress have come ethical questions. The intent of this course is to focus on the biological, medical, technological, and ethical issues surrounding HeLa cells.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kim Carlson 308-865-1554 or carlsonka1@shushijia.net
An introduction to graduate study and requirements at bet36365体育 with emphasis on research methods and biological techniques for the professional teacher and biologist. Students will gain an appreciation for the scientific method by formulating good scientific questions including sound null and alternative hypotheses, design experimental methods addressing the hypotheses and propose appropriate statistical tests for evaluation of results. Students will practice the art of locating and understanding scientific literature. In addition, students will engage in scientific writing which will include the submission of a research proposal. Offered online, every semester.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gregory Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
PREREQUISITES: Biology Majors or permission
RECOMMENDATIONS: The student is encouraged to take this course during his/her first 9 hours of graduate work in Biology. Course is required before enrolling in Biological Research BIOL 831A-F.
Environmental biology focuses on the interface of human activity and the natural biological world. The impacts of humans on biogeochemical cycles, ecosystems, and individual species are examined. The role of governmental policies and politics is a part of this discipline and is reviewed. Recent scientific research and reports are used to predict what the future challenges are to humans and organisms in the face of the rapid changes brought about by human activity.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nate Eidem 308-865-8684 or eidemn@shushijia.net
Ecology is the study of how species interact with each other and with their abiotic environment. There are many disciplines within ecology that we will touch on, including marine ecology, ecological physiology, population biology, and community ecology. This class will summarize current ecological knowledge, and students will read a number of classic papers in the field. Offered online, Spring of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Greg Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Various approaches to understand humans’ attitudes and behaviors toward wildlife, fisheries, and nature. The course is organized around three major sections: psychology, sociology, and economics. Offered online, Fall of even numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melissa Wuellner 308-865-8006 or wuellnermr@shushijia.net
This class is divided into two main areas. The first is biological statistics: the collection and analysis of scientific data. The second area is experimental design: how an experimental hypothesis is built and what are the pieces and procedures needed to conduct a successful experiment. The class is not mathematically intensive and relies on the power of computers beyond a few examples done by hand. The class includes both parametric and non-parametric statistics with continuous and categorical variables. Offered online, every semester.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Jayne Jonas-Bratten 308-865-8224 or jonasj@shushijia.net and Dr. Greg Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net and Dr. Jacob Cooper 308-865-8912 or cooperj2@shushijia.net
This course is an investigation of the major life history stages of birds. We will discuss topics including: evolution of birds, reproduction, migration, flight, and a variety of current topics in ornithology. Assigned readings from the scientific literature, exams, inquiry based activities/assignments, and online discussions will be used to explore these topics. Plan to spend several hours each week on reading, writing, responding to topic discussions, and participating in activities.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Letitia Reichart 308-865-8568 or reichartlm@shushijia.net
This course explores the complexities of the global climate system (GCS) and its history with a focus on the expected impacts of climate change to biology. After an introduction to the GCS, students will gain an understanding of climate modelling, its application, and projected changes to the Earth’ system. The course then moves to how impacts associated with these changes affect carbon cycle feedbacks, ecosystems and biodiversity, agricultural productivity, human health and security. The final module covers the risks and opportunities associated with climate change.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nate Eidem 308-865-8684 or eidemn@shushijia.net
This course focuses on practical applications of the process of health promotion. Students will identify and understand community resources already in place to promote health. Special emphasis is placed on understanding the unique needs of your selected community or organization (eg, school, worksite). Students will apply the steps of health promotion planning to a community or organization of their choice. This course is important for those planning to work with or in communities in the areas of health care, health promotion, public health, or the school setting.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. R. Todd Bartee 308-865-8179 or barteet2@shushijia.net
This course is designed to engage critical thinking and problem-solving skills by approaching health-related issues through multiple perspectives. It includes reading, analyzing, interacting, and reflecting about current issues and future concerns as they relate to the health sciences as well as individual, community, and societal health-related needs. Students will examine issues by critiquing information sources and using scientific research. Topics vary based on student interests and trends in the health sciences.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. R. Todd Bartee 308-865-8179 or barteet2@shushijia.net
Principles and practices of restoring ecosystem biodiversity, structure, and function following natural or anthropogenic disturbance. This course focuses on ecological theory and its application to ecological restoration. Topics include monitoring and adaptive management, soil and water quality, invasive species and revegetation, as well as ethics and societal aspects of ecological restoration.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gregory Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Plants are inextricably intertwined with human evolution and history. This course examines some of the myriad plant-human relationships pivotal to the development and maintenance of human societies. The course will include 1) some basic botany for orientation, 2) historic uses of plants and how plant/human interactions have shaped societies, and 3) modern plant/human relationships, with a focus on agricultural practices. Offered online, Fall of odd numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Bryan Drew 308-865-8883 or drewbt@shushijia.net
This course explores the intersection of evolutionary biology and medicine. We will use the principles of evolutionary biology to explore questions about the persistence of disease, our predisposition to specific health issues and evolutionary mismatches between biology and the modern environment. Key topics include the evolution of infectious diseases, the concept of evolutionary trade-offs in physiology, the role of genetic variation in disease susceptibility, and the ways in which evolutionary mismatches influence chronic diseases in modern societies.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Dawn Simon 308-865-8470 or simondm@shushijia.net
This course offers an in-depth exploration of the fundamental principles and concepts that govern the study of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. This course will cover the history of microbiology, microbial morphology and physiology, microbial metabolism, microbial molecular biology and genetics, and ecology, including topics in clinical and applied microbiology.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Gregory Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Broadly defined, grassland ecosystems occupy approximately 40% of the terrestrial surface of the Earth. These systems evolved and have been maintained by interactions between periodic droughts, recurrent fire, and herbivory. They also have a long history of use by humans for production of food and, more recently, energy. This course is intended to provide you with an understanding of the physiological, population, community, and ecosystem processes that characterize grassland systems, as well as the roles of fire and grazing in their maintenance. You will also learn about current issues in grassland ecology dealing with land use change, species invasions, and climate change.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Jayne Jonas-Bratten 308-865-8224 or jonasj@shushijia.net
This course will examine the theoretical and applied aspects of invasive and nuisance species ecology and management, including terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. Major themes of the course will include: 1) ecological concepts that describe invasion likelihoods and consequences as well as ecosystem resistance and resilience; 2) invasive species management; and 3) policies and regulations involving invasive and nuisance species.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Jayne Jonas-Bratten 308-865-8224 or jonasj@shushijia.net
The course will introduce students to the field of neglected tropical diseases and their impact on global health and social and economic development. This will include an overview of the major neglected tropical diseases and the countries affected by these diseases. Students will review the public health structure of countries affected by neglected tropical diseases, the economic burden of these diseases, disease pathology, and measures to address the burden of neglected tropical diseases in cost-effective ways.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net
Mass extinction events are directly and indirectly responsible for what the Earth looks like today in terms of both organismal composition and distribution; it is estimated that well over 99% of organisms that once existed on Earth have gone extinct. These events have occurred several times during the past 500 million years, with varying causes, intensities, and lasting impact. We will examine each mass extinction in detail, including the current putative “6th Extinction”, evaluating and discussing the cause, effect, and lasting impact of each. Special focus will be paid to the Permian, K-Pg, and Holocene extinctions due to their magnitude and recency.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Bryan Drew 308-865-8883 or drewbt@shushijia.net
Review of study designs and statistical analyses commonly used in field- and laboratory-based wildlife and fisheries research.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melissa Wuellner 308-865-8006 or wuellnermr@shushijia.net
In this course, we will cover the basic and advanced concepts related to vaccines and immunizations and how the immune system mounts responses to vaccines to establish protective immunity. We will discuss the different ways society views vaccines, paying attention to the current anti-vaccination movement, and how social media has impacted the spread of anti-vaccine propaganda. Importantly, we will investigate strategies on how to promote vaccination as an important tool to protect our society against disease. To obtain a deeper understanding of concepts and controversies related to vaccines, we will investigate the recent pandemic, emerging epidemics and the future of vaccines.
The goal of this course is to acquaint a student with research associated with the biological sciences. After completing six hours, a student will have a thorough literature review, have designed a novel set of experiments, created research materials and methods, collected and analyzed data, and a written final report in a format agreed upon by the student and the advisor. This course requires permission to register. Offered online, every semester.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net
PREREQUISITE: BIOL 820 - Introduction to Graduate Study
RECOMMENDATIONS: Completion of 6 graduate Biology credit hours, in addition to BIOL 820, before enrollment in BIOL 831A
This course is an in-depth study of the behavior and ecology of cranes. Assigned readings from the scientific literature, one writing assignment and online discussions will be used to explore a variety of topics including: reproductive biology, wintering ecology, migratory behavior, conservation and management of cranes. Plan to spend at least several hours each week on reading, writing, and responding to topic discussions. Offered online, Fall of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Letitia Reichart 308-865-8568 or reichartlm@shushijia.net
An overview of conservation biology and its importance. Special emphasis is placed on ecological, economic, and social issues relevant to biological rarity. Offered online, Spring of odd numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Letitia Reichart 308-865-8568 or reichartlm@shushijia.net and Dr. Keith Geluso 308-865-8982 or gelusok1@shushijia.net
This course discusses the role of hormones in regulating reproduction in mammals, with an emphasis in humans. Topics to be covered include: 1) sexual differentiation of the brain, 2) spermatogenesis and oogenesis, 3) pregnancy, parturition, and lactation, and 4) fertility and sexually transmitted diseases. Background in anatomy and physiology is recommended. Offered online, every Summer.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nicholas Hobbs 308-865-1572 or hobbsjn@shushijia.net
Human anatomy including essential aspects of functional morphology will be covered. Topics covered may include the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, digestive and reproductive systems. Detailed discussion of specific anatomical regions will be required. Offered online, every Fall and Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Yipeng Sui suiy@shushijia.net
General human physiology will be studied with an emphasis on systems. The integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, digestive, immune and reproductive systems will be discussed. Salient mechanical, physical and biochemical processes of organs, tissues and cells will be covered. Anatomy will be included at a level necessary to make sense of the system's function. Offered online, every Fall and Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Haiwei Lu 308-865-8661 or luh@shushijia.net and Dr. Yipeng Sui suiy@shushijia.net
RECOMMENDATIONS: Students will need a basic understanding of chemistry. Two semesters of undergraduate general chemistry are likely sufficient.
This course is an introduction to medical microbiology with coverage of viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan disease causing microorganisms. It will cover the basic mechanisms of infection, disease progression, and immune response. It is strongly suggested that students have taken an introductory microbiology course before taking this class. Offered online, every Fall.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net
An in-depth discussion of the principles of modern virology. Major topics of discussion will include: virus replication strategies, virus structure, virus infection and disease, and host resistance to disease. Offered online, every Spring.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Austin Nuxoll 308-865-8602 or nuxollas@shushijia.net
RECOMMENDATIONS: A course in genetics and a course in cell biology or biochemistry is strongly recommended.
Evolution of laws relating to fish and wildlife with a particular focus on major federal legislation, federal versus state jurisdiction, fishing and hunting rights, and other topics. Offered online, Summer of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melissa Wuellner 308-865-8006 or wuellnermr@shushijia.net
This course will cover current topics in eukaryotic Biology including functions of the membrane, cell organelle functions, cell signaling, cell cycle, and cell movement. This course will also cover the involvement of specific cell organelles and cell functions in human diseases. Offered online, Spring of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Surabhi Chandra 308-865-8695 or chandras2@shushijia.net and Dr. Joe Dolence 308-865-8749 or dolencejj@shushijia.net
The course will consist of a short review of pertinent principles in protein structure and function, enzyme mechanisms and kinetics, and the basics of the genetic dogma and recombinant DNA technology. The bulk of the course will be made up of a topical consideration of subjects in biotechnology such as: the production of protein pharmaceuticals, genetic engineering of animals and plants, and cloning of organisms. Special consideration will be given to the molecular mechanisms behind the processes discussed. Offered online, Spring of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Surabhi Chandra 308-865-8695 or chandras2@shushijia.net
This course will be a wide consideration of all aspects of Forensic Biology ranging from general considerations to the latest in molecular techniques. We will also review current literature, discuss case studies, and look at some mass market publications on crime scene investigation. Offered online, every Fall.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Yipeng Sui suiy@shushijia.net
This course is designed as a survey of the current state of knowledge in the cellular and molecular biology of cancer processes. The students will also review current literature in cancer biology by analyzing and critiquing current articles. Offered online, Fall of odd-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Surabhi Chandra 308-865-8695 or chandras2@shushijia.net
This course will cover the biology, ecology, and natural history of desert ecosystems. Focus will be on why deserts occur where they do on the earth and all the adaptations organisms have to survive in this harsh environment.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Keith Geluso 308-865-8982 or gelusok1@shushijia.net
Histology is also called micro-anatomy. This course examines animal bodies on the tissue and cellular level. Most examples will be from human anatomy. Basic tissue types will be studied as well as organ structure and function. As a distance class, micropictographs will be used (not glass slides) from the web, as well as from an assigned textbook. No prior experience with histology is expected.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Yipeng Sui suiy@shushijia.net
An examination of how living organisms cope with short- and long-term exposure to extreme environmental conditions related to nutrient and water availability, temperature, and pressure. A basic understanding of organismal physiology is required.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Surabhi Chandra 308-865-8695 or chandras2@shushijia.net
This course will focus on the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and will include gross anatomical features and landmarks of the cerebral hemispheres, diencephalons, brainstem, cerebellum and spinal cord. Physiological aspects will include the generation and modification of action potentials as well as normal functions of the specific regions of the central nervous system. Selected abnormal functions will also be studied. The interdependency of the central nervous system to itself (various pathways between the spinal cord and within the brain) as well as to the peripheral nervous system and select organ systems will complete the focus of the course. It is recommended that students have taken anatomy and physiology before enrolling in this course.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Surabhi Chandra 308-865-8695 or chandras2@shushijia.net
Application based course covering the classical and molecular principles of inheritance. Concepts covered include various historical concepts surrounding transmission, molecular, and population genetics, current state of the discipline, and the future outlook for the field. Students are required to demonstrate their knowledge and critical thinking skills through quizzes, tests and writing assignments.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Kim Carlson 308-865-1554 or carlsonka1@shushijia.net
RECOMMENDATIONS: A good course for students with little knowledge of genetics. Also useful for students interested in teaching high school AP courses, community college genetics, or those needing a refresher course.
The course focuses on contemporary human genetics with emphasis on genetic diseases. A study of the genetic basis and frequency of genetic defects in man and genetic counseling. Offered online, every Fall.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Yipeng Sui suiy@shushijia.net
RECOMMENDATIONS: Students should be comfortable with introductory genetics concepts. Need to have a good grasp of meiosis, DNA replication, and basic inheritance. If it has been awhile you may want to take BIOL 860: Concepts of Genetics, first.
An introduction to the science of ethology. The course will examine behavior genetics, physiology of behavior, ecology of behavior, and the evolution of behavior.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Letitia Reichart 308-865-8568 or reichartlm@shushijia.net
A review of the major advances in biology from the ancients to the present, with emphasis on paradigm shifts and science as a human endeavor. Offered online, every Summer.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Keith Koupal 308-865-5326 or koupalkd@shushijia.net
An introduction to insects and related arthropods. Emphasis is placed on morphology, physiology, taxonomy and ecology of insects. Offered online, Fall of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Bryan Drew 308-865-8883 or drewbt@shushijia.net
For practicing science teachers. Emphasis on scientific literacy and the alignment of K-12 science curricula with state and national standards and benchmarks. Offered online, Summer of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Greg Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net
Academic writing in the sciences can be a daunting solitary endeavor. It is the hope of this course to take away the fear of the blank page and help to engage the class with a sense of community that is inherently beneficial to the writing process. This course is particularly geared towards students who have been away from academic writing for many years, or perhaps decades. This will be an introduction into this type of writing, complete with an overview of the materials available to you as a distance student. The primary purpose of this course is to improve your written communications skills. We will focus on your ability to prepare and write technical papers in a professional scientific format. A crucial part of learning to write technical papers is reading them and practicing writing them yourself. Plan to spend at least several hours each week on reading, writing, and practicing the skills we cover in this course. Offered online, Spring of even numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Letitia Reichart 308-865-8568 or reichartlm@shushijia.net
This course will expose the student to many different biological research topics, stimulate discussion on these topics, promote awareness of current issues in biology, help students critically analyze relevant and contemporary primary literature and ensure students are able to prepare appropriate presentations for scientific meetings. Offered online, every semester.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nate Eidem 308-865-8684 or eidemn@shushijia.net and Dr. Greg Pec 308-865-8410 or pecg@shushijia.net and Dr. Keith Koupal 308-865-5326 or koupalkd@shushijia.net
This course was developed to provide a thorough examination of the interactions between abiotic and biotic components of freshwater ecosystems incorporating both theoretical and applied aspects of aquatic food web management. Major themes of the course will include nutrient cycling, trophic state and eutrophication, predation and food webs, and fisheries ecology. Selected scientific literature and text readings will stress professional differences of opinion during discussion of topics, which is intended to guide students toward an understanding that ecological principles rarely are simple and that current dogma can at times be incorrect or incomplete. Finally, this course is directed at improving student communication (written and electronic information/technology based) and critical thinking skills. Offered online, Spring of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melissa Wuellner 308-865-8006 or wuellnermr@shushijia.net
Through videotaped lectures, reading and writing assignments, and on-line discussions, students will be introduced to both freshwater ecosystems and fishery management. Students will learn to analyze freshwater management problems using multiple techniques, to suggest alternative approaches, and to identify consequences of those approaches. Offered online, Fall of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Keith Koupal 308-865-5326 or koupalkd@shushijia.net
Small group discussions will be used to discuss readings on the role of sexual selection in evolution.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Nichols Hobbs 308-865-1572 or hobbsjn@shushijia.net
RECOMMENDATIONS: Background in evolution is helpful.
This course was developed to provide a thorough examination of both theoretical and applied aspects of fisheries ecology. Major themes of the course will include individual ecology (feeding, growth, and reproduction), population ecology, and community ecology (predation and competition). Selected scientific literature and text readings will stress professional differences of opinion during discussion of topics, which is intended to guide students toward an understanding that ecological principles rarely are simple and that current dogma can at times be incorrect or incomplete. Finally, this course is directed at improving student communication (written and electronic information/technology based) and critical thinking skills. Offered online, Spring of odd numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Melissa Wuellner 308-865-8006 or wuellnermr@shushijia.net
Chemistry of fats, protein, carbohydrates, hormones, vitamins, and other biologically important compounds. A solid background in organic chemistry is needed for success in this course. Offered online, Summer of even-numbered years.
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Frank Kovacs 308-865-8384 or kovacsfa@shushijia.net
* This course applies towards the 24 hours of biology electives required for the degree program