The first professional sequence course you should enroll in is TE 100 Teaching in a Democratic Society. This course is an introduction to the teaching profession and to the program of study through which teachers progress at bet36365体育.
During TE 100 a representative from the College of Education will visit your classroom and distribute the applications which will be completed at that time. If you happen to miss that class or transfer in TE 100 an application can be obtained in the Educator Certification Office C-128, COE Building.
The requirements for admittance into Teacher Education
Full admission to the Teacher Education Program is a requirement for enrolling in most 300 LEVEL (third year) and 400 LEVEL (fourth year) education courses in the renewed teacher education program. It is essential that you complete the admission requirements in a timely fashion (by the middle of the 2nd year).
Teaching candidates purchase and first use TaskStream in TE 204. All teaching candidates use TaskStream to create an electronic portfolio. Successful completion of the TaskStream portfolio is a graduation requirement.
Your first contact will be with the Admissions Office here at bet36365体育. Their website can be found at this link: Go to Undergraduate Admissions.
If you have any questions that aren’t listed here, contact the Educator Certification Office at 308-865-8264 or email: